0w30 vs. 10w30 Engine Oil: Differences and Can You Swap Them?

In the industry of motor oils, there are a lot of questions from car drivers. Many car drivers do not know the differences between one motor oil and the other motor oil. It is essential to know the differences between motor oils from each other. 

This is to know their difference and so that you will know which motor oil is best for your engine. In this article, we will be talking about 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil. Some car drivers are asking if these motor oils can be swapped. 

Some car drivers are even hesitant to swap them because they do not know the risks of the swap. So we will be talking about the differences between 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil and if they can be swapped together. Let us get started.

0w30 vs. 10w30 Engine Oil

What Is the Difference Between 0w30 and 10w30 Oil?

The 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil have their differences, and they also have their similarities. For this section, let us discuss the differences between 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil in fuel economy, hot weather, and viscosity.


The letter w means winter in motor oils. Before the letter w, the number refers to the viscosity of the motor oil in low temperatures. If the number is low, then it means that the motor oil is thin. 

The motor oil will help the engines to start quickly in low temperatures. The reason for this is that they are less exposed to the risk of thickening in cold conditions. This is why this motor oil is recommended and suitable for winter. 

The number that comes after the w describes the thickness of the motor oil at average operating temperature. If this number is more significant, then the viscosity is higher, and the fluid will be thicker in hot temperatures or weather.

For thick motor oils, they are less risky to thin in hot temperatures. But the 0w30 motor oil has a low viscosity, and the 10w30 motor oil is in the high position.

Fuel Economy

The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil have thirty (30) in their second viscosity grade. This means that both 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil have the same SAE rating in average operating temperatures. The motor oils in a temperature range like this will be suitable in high-tech clearance engines. 

It is also common in giving protection to the engine components, and it can result in a long lifespan of the vehicles. In addition, the w30 fluids provide more improvements in fuel economy than the higher grades.

Hot Weather

The 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil are multigrade motor oils. Multigrade motor oil is a kind of motor oil used in a wide range of temperatures. These motor oils will not just flow in low temperatures but also provide lubrication to the engine in high temperatures in a reliable manner. 

So for the 0w30 motor oil, the 0w is the first grade that will show the oil’s viscosity if the temperature is cold. The 30 is the second grade, and it will indicate the fluid’s viscosity in hot conditions.

Can I Use 0w30 Instead of 10w30?

The 0w30 motor oil will flow better than the 10w30 motor oil in a cold start-up on cold winter days. If the 0w30 motor oil and 10w30 motor oil are heated up, these motor oils will have the same viscosity. The advantage of a 0w30 motor oil is that the number zero is far from thirty (30) than ten (10). 

On the other hand, the 0w30 motor oil will break down faster than the 10w30 motor oil. So in using 0w30 motor oil in replacement to the 10w30 motor oil, you can use it if you want to and have no other choice. But the best option is to use the recommended motor oil.

Accidentally Used 0w30 Instead of 10w30: Is It Ok?

Yes, it is okay in the sense that there will be no severe damages to your vehicle, and it is just an accident. However, if your owner’s manual does not recommend the 0w30 motor oil, you must not use it. You can do an oil change if you have accidentally used 0w30 and it is not in the recommended motor oil for your engine.

0w30 vs 10w30 High Mileage

Using a 0w30 motor oil is okay. It can provide superior strength and fantastic protection. On the other hand, a 10w30 motor oil is good for high mileage vehicles. It has a formulation that has a mixture of the high-performance synthetic base well-balanced additive components. 

Which Is Better, 0w30 or 10w30 Oil?

The better motor oil is the motor oil that is recommended by your owner’s manual. So if your owner’s manual recommends 10w30 motor oil, then use the 0w30 motor oil. If your owner’s manual would recommend 10w30 motor oil, then use the 10w30 motor oil.

When Should I Use 0w30 And When 10w30?

The 0w30 motor oil will work faster and even better in frigid temperatures. This is because it has a low viscosity, and it makes the motor oil circulate even more quickly around the components of your engine. 

The 10w30 motor oil is best suited for the summer. This is thicker than the other motor oils.

0w30 vs. 10w30

0w30 vs 10w30 Toyota

The recommended motor oil for Nissan vehicles is 5w30 and 10w30. The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.

0w30 vs. 10w30 Nissan

The recommended motor oil for all Subaru engines is 0w20 and 5w30. The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.

0w30 vs 10w30 Subaru

Almost all the vehicles and SUVs of Mazda will need 0w20 motor oil. The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.

0w30 vs. 10w30 Mazda

Almost all the vehicles and SUVs of Mazda will need 0w20 motor oil. However, their lone standout might be used with some 5w30. The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.

0w30 vs 10w30 BMW

For all BMW engines, they recommend 5w30 motor oil. The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.

0w30 vs 10w30 Ford

According to the 2020 ford owner’s manual, almost all of their engines must be using a 5w30 motor oil or 0w30 motor oil. So depending on your car type, you can use 0w30 motor oil or 5w30 motor oil.

0w30 vs 10w30 Chevrolet

For Chevrolet, the recommended oil is 5w20, 5w30, or 10w30 in some engines. The 0w30 motor oil is not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is good for summer.

0w30 vs. 10w30 Jeep

The recommended viscosity for jeep vehicles is 0W20, 5W20, 5W30, or 10W30. The 0w30 motor oil is not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.

0w30 vs. 10w30 Volkswagen

Their recommendation is only 5w30 and 0w20. So the 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are not recommended, but you can use them if you want to. 

Just know that it is not recommended. The 0w30 motor oil is good for cold weather, and the 10w30 motor oil is suitable for summer.


In summary, picking the right and recommended motor oil for your engine is very important. The motor oil will determine the performance and the condition of your vehicle. 

The 0w30 motor oil and the 10w30 motor oil are sometimes interchanged. Refer to the recommendation of your vehicle if you can use both of these motor oils.



Image credits – Canva

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My name is Hank, and I've been in the automotive industry for 27 years. I've been working in my own auto repair shop for the last 13 years, and now I want to help you here, on my blog. Let me know if you have any questions. Read more