Honda Civic Cracked Engine Block Symptoms (What To Look For)

It is circulating that the Honda Civic has some cracks on its engine blocks during the vehicle’s manufacture. This has been ongoing now, and drivers are knocking their heads on a cracked engine block symptom. The cracked blocks are making the coolant leak out. 

As a result, the engine of the vehicle experiences overheating, and eventually, it will lead to a complete total engine failure. With this situation, Honda civic owners have been having a hard time thinking of ways to detect if their honda civic have cracks on their engine blocks. As a result, car drivers are also looking for ways to fix the cracked engine blocks and whether it is still worth fixing the vehicle. 

With these questions, this article is made to enlighten car drivers on these questions. If you want to know more, then you have to stay and keep reading.

Honda Civic Cracked Engine Block Symptoms

How Do You Know If Your Engine Block Is Cracked In Honda Civic?

Car drivers owning honda civic have been asking how to know if their engine block has cracks. The undeniable sign for a crack on an engine block is if you can see a puddle of blue and green liquid. 

The blue or green liquid can be under your engine, especially if the car has been in the park. And for the very most straightforward thing to do, you can check for an actual physical crack. Unfortunately, the finding can be difficult because the crack cannot be visible and very small to spot on. 

The engine block of a vehicle is made up of durable cast metal. It also has a combustion chamber, and there are also some other interior parts of the vehicle’s engine. It isn’t very common to have a crack on your engine block, but it does exist for some reason, and it happens for many possible reasons.  

So if you have proven that your honda civic has cracks on its engine block, you will need to replace the engine so that you can be on the road safely. In addition, you have to know that driving your vehicle with a cracked engine block can be dangerous. 

With that, it is vital to have your vehicle fixed with an expert so that there will be no dangers moving forward. So now, we will list our signs to know if your engine block is cracked.

1. Your Vehicle Will Experience Overheating

If the crack on your honda civic engine block is large enough and if the crack is placed on the critical part, your antifreeze or your coolant might leak from the black. With your antifreeze or your coolant is gone and leaking to the cracks, your vehicle will lack antifreeze. With that, not enough coolant will lead your vehicle’s engine to overheat. 

You will notice this if there will be a cloud of white smoke coming out from under the hood of your vehicle. You will also notice that your gauge is raising its temperature. You will also know if your engine temperature gauge is increasing and is going higher over the normal range if you are driving your vehicle. 

If the gauge’s needle is going way above about half or just nearing that red warning area, it will be safe if you pull over and just let the engine cool down a little bit. Remember to cool the engine down before going to a mechanic.

2. You Will Notice An Engine Smoke

If your engine block is cracked, you will notice a black or gray color smoke that will come out from under your hood. This is an excellent indication that there is a crack in your block. The smoke is going out because there is a crack. 

The crack is letting the exhaust fumes go out and escape through the crack. The exhaust fumes should go out of the exhaust system, but the exhaust fumes go out of the crack because there is a crack. With the smoke going out of the crack, you will also notice a decrease in your vehicle’s performance.

3. There Will Be A Mixing Of The Coolant And The Oil

Make sure to check the color of the fluids to ensure that they appear as they should, especially when you are doing regular auto maintenance. For example, if your coolant and your oil mix, the result will be a milky white substance. This is a sign that there is a crack in the engine’s block.

4. You Will Have A Poor Engine Performance

You must also look for signs of a lack of engine power. For example, you will experience low engine compression if there is a crack in your engine block. This will then result in a lock of combustion pressure. 

This will then lead to poor performance, and you will most likely experience a rough idle. The engines of the vehicles are a mystery, but they are amazing. You need to maintain that good and consistent maintenance to prevent any problems from occurring.

Can You Drive A Car With A Cracked Engine Block?

If there is indeed a crack in your engine block, you will need to have a replacement engine so that you will be able to get back on the road. If you have a cracked engine block, you can still drive your vehicle, but it will be unsafe.

Is It Worth Fixing A Cracked Engine Block?

The answer is dependent on the situation. For example, if you have a new car and can guarantee that your vehicle is still in perfect shape, it might still be worth it to fix your cracked engine block. If the repair is successful, it can give you plenty of years to still use your car. 

However, if the situation is reversed, then you might want to think it through. For example, if your vehicle is old and your vehicle already has enough problems, then you might want to spend your money buying a new one rather than fixing your current car.


It might not be a significant issue if you have a cracked engine block, but it should not be left unattended. The cracks can cause problems. 

It is also very unsafe if you will run your vehicle with a crack in your engine block. You must immediately book it for a mechanic and have the issue fixed right away.

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Image credits – Canva

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My name is Hank, and I've been in the automotive industry for 27 years. I've been working in my own auto repair shop for the last 13 years, and now I want to help you here, on my blog. Let me know if you have any questions. Read more