BMW Front Bumper Repair and Replace Cost (All Series in 2021)

Almost all of the vehicles today that you can see on the road have a bumper. This is made because of practicality and, of course, the appearance of the vehicle. 

A bumper is found in the front area of your car and the rear area as well. This is made to lessen the impact of collision in case a vehicle gets in an accident. 

A minor repair of a front bumper would just take a minor paint touch-up. But in cases where the bumper is severely damaged, you may have to replace your bumper entirely. 

Today, we will talk about the cost of repairing and replacing your BMW from the bumper. Let us get started.

Table of Contents

BMW Front Bumper Repair and Replace Cost

Can You Fix a BMW Bumper Without Replacing It?

This will depend mainly on the damages to the BMW bumper. As mentioned, a minor repair will only cost you to paint up the bumper. But with severe damages, it may not be replaced. 

The basis of this is whether the bumper has a crack or dent. If there is a dent on the bumper, that can be easily repaired. It can easily be pulled out. 

If the bumper has a crack, the bumper might need to be replaced. A crack can cause a whole lot more problems. It would be wiser for you to replace it. 

How Much Does It Cost on Average to Repair a Front Bumper on a BMW?

This depends on the person who did the repair and the other things that came with it, such as the paint after the repair. It will also depend on the model. The cost would also depend on how much damage there is on your front bumper.  

The cost can be anything because you cannot know the extent the damage is. You may need to talk to the person who will do the repair and make negotiations. 

To put a number on it, you can spend somewhere between $300 to $600. The cost may even be lower or higher. Again, there can be a lot of factors that will contribute to the cost of the repair. 

Related: How Much Do BMW Car Salesmen Make?

How Much Does It Cost on Average to Replace a Bumper on a BMW?

Your bumper can be replaced and painted for $600, more or less. This will depend. 

It would also be best to remember to make good negotiations to have it at a reasonable price. If there are still other parts that need repair, it costs you around $1,200 or more. 

Is It Better to Repair or Replace a Front Bumper?

Again, this will depend on the damage to your front bumper. If there is only a dent, you can repair the bumper. 

It will cost almost nothing. But if the front bumper has a crack, you may need to replace the whole bumper. 

BMW 1 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost will vary with so many factors. You need to consider the extent to which parts should be replaced and the front bumper damage. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 2 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

Many factors will make the cost vary. You should consider the extent of the damaged parts that should be replaced. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 3 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost will change depending on some factors. It will depend on the front bumper damage of your BMW. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 4 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The price would vary for everyone. Of course, some things should be considered, like the person who will replace the bumper and the extent of the damage.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 5 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

You have to consider a lot of factors. The damages on your BMW’s front bumper will be based on the wrecked parts and on the person who will replace the bumper.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 6 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost will change because of some other factors. You will have to consider the extent of the damage to the front bumper of the BMW. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 7 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost is different for everyone. The parts that need to be replaced and the front bumper damage are different from one BMW to another.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW 8 Series Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

Replacement Cost

The cost varies. It will be based on the extent of the parts that should be replaced and the front bumper’s damage. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X1 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

You have to consider the extent of the front bumper damage. It will also depend on the one who will do the replacement.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

Front Bumper

BMW X2 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

Replacement Cost

The cost is not the same with every BMW car. Every damage is unique, and that will make the costs different. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X3 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost is not the same for everybody. The damages in the front bumper will differ from one BMW to another. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X4 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

There is no one answer to this. The replacement cost will still vary for each owner. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X5 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost of one BMW owner is different from another BMW owner. This is because the damages may not be the same. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X6 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

A lot of factors can make the cost vary for everyone. For one, the damages that need to be replaced will vary from one BMW owner to another. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X7 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

There is not a single answer to this. The replacement cost will vary for every person who will do the replacement. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW i3 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The price will be different for anyone. Some factors will still differ from one BMW bumper’s damage to another. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW i8 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The replacement cost will differ. The damage may be much more minor or more extensive from the other.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW M2 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

You have some factors to consider. There are a lot of mechanics, and the cost will differ from one to another.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW M3 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost will be different. You have to consider the extent of the damages in the front bumper of the BMW.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW M4 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost is not the same with every car and every owner. There is a difference between the damage extent and the person who will replace the bumper. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW M5 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The answer to this is plenty because one price would always vary from another. This is due to the extent of the damages. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW M8 Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The expense will vary with some factors. One factor is the extent of the damage. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X3 M Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost can be low and high. This will largely depend on the damage and the mechanic. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X4 M Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

It is essential to have good negotiation skills. The price will vary but remember to always settle for a reasonable price.

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X5 M Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The cost will be different. It will depend on the extent of the damages. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

BMW X6 M Front Bumper Repair and Replacement Cost

Repair Cost

The repair will vary on how minimal or severe the damage is. Repairing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $200 to $400. But the price could still be much lower or higher. 

Replacement Cost

The extent of the damages will make the cost vary. One damage is different from another. 

Replacing your BMW 5 Series front bumper might cost you around $300 to $600. But the price could still be much lower or higher.

You Might Also Read: BMW Price in Germany


In summary, a BMW is a great car and is known for being reliable. Most vehicles are already made with a bumper. This will lessen the impact of the collision made by accidents. 

A bumper is found in the front area and the rear idea of the vehicle. With that, it is the first that gets damaged whenever the vehicle is in an accident. 

If there is only a dent, you can just repair the bumper by yourself. If there is a crack, fix and replace the whole bumper.

You can also check price on one of online auto parts stores.


Image credits – Canva

[1] Bumper Repair Cost Guide at

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