Can You Mix 20w50 and 10w30 Oil? (Explained!)

Some car drivers have been feeling confused if they can mix 20w50 oil with 10w30 oil. Some car drivers have already been mixing, and some of them swore they would never do such a thing because it is bad for the vehicle. So now, let us put enlightenment to this confusing matter.

So can you mix 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil? Yes, you can mix 20w50 oil with 10w30 oil. But it’s not recommended because it is recommended to stick with just one motor oil at a time.

If you mix two different motor oils with different viscosities and weights, it is a hard stop for some car drivers because they are afraid it will cause massive damage to their engine and vehicle. But what is interesting is that if what they say is true and if mixing two motor oils is dangerous to the engine, why are there so many people mixing it. This can be a basis of the conclusion that it is okay to mix 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil. 

But this division puts a lot of questions in the internet world today. Car drivers wanted to know the truth. 

So in this article, we’ll be talking about the truth of mixing 20w50 oil with 10w30 oil. Let us get started.

Can You Mix 20w50 and 10w30 Oil

Can I Mix 20w50 and 10w30 Oil?

Yes, you can mix 20w50 oil with 10w30 oil. But doing so is not recommended. If you refer to your owner’s manual, you will know that you should stick with just a single motor oil at a time.

 You might also want to ensure that the two motor oils you will be mixing have the same brand. This is to ensure that the additives will likely be compatible with each other. You should also know that mixing 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil will not come out totally mixed at all. 

They will not blend altogether, but they will still do their job of lubricating your engine. So you should remember that it is not recommended, but you can mix the two of them if you want to or need to.

Can You Add 20w50 to 10w30 Oil?

Yes, you can add 20w50 oil to a 10w30 oil. However, the same as mixing 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil, adding a different oil to your existing oil is not recommended. But you can still do it. 

There are situations where you do not have any choice at all. For example, you might have run low in oil, and you have to add it up, but there is no other oil available in the area. 

If that happens, then you can add a different one to your current one. If the idea bothers you a lot, you can always change it if there is already available motor oil inside your engine.

Can You Add 10w30 to 20w50 Oil?

Yes, you can also add 10w30 to your 20w50 oil, but it is not recommended again. It is still ideal for sticking with just one motor oil at a time. But, there are situations where you will be forced to do it. 

You might be running low on motor oil, and you need one, but there is no available motor oil in the area. If this happens, you will be compelled to add a different oil. You can do an oil change when you get back.

Is It Ok To Mix 20w50 and 10w30 – Possible Downsides?

Yes, you can mix 20w50 oil with 10w30 oil. The act is not recommended, but it is not prohibited also. So if you want to mix 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil or if you have to, you can mix them both up. It is okay to mix, though. 

There are no significant damages or problems that you will have to deal with. The two motor oils will stay the same oil; you just mixed them. And these oils do not blend altogether. 

The downside is losing your warranty. If you’re still under warranty, you can lose your warranty by mixing two different oils and using them in your engine. So better not to do it if you are still under warranty.

What Happens if You Mix 20w50 and 10w30 Oil?

If you mix 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil, nothing serious can happen, though. You do not have to worry because it is okay to mix them both. 

So you can mix them up without thinking of any severe damages to your plate. However, you have to know that you know that it is not recommended.


In summary, mixing 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil is not recommended, but it does not mean that you cannot do it. It is not advised, but it is not prohibited also. 

This means that you can mix the two of them if you want to or have no choice. There is no severe damage that you can get in mixing 20w50 oil with a 10w30 oil.



Image credits – Canva

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My name is Hank, and I've been in the automotive industry for 27 years. I've been working in my own auto repair shop for the last 13 years, and now I want to help you here, on my blog. Let me know if you have any questions. Read more