What Happens If You Put Transmission Fluid In The Oil?

What Happens If You Put Transmission Fluid In The Oil

People keep asking what would happen if they put transmission fluid in the oil. So in this article, we will be talking about the effects of putting transmission fluid in the oil. Let us start. So what happens if you put transmission fluid in the oil? Nothing significant will happen if you just put a … Read more

Drove Through Water And Car Won’t Start: What To Do?

Drove Through Water And Car Won't Start

If you own a vehicle, it cannot be avoided that you will face many different challenges on the road. You might have a flat tire; your engine might turn down; you might have a drained battery, or many other things. In many areas, there is also the possibility of flooded roads. There is also the … Read more

I Went Through A Puddle And My Car Died: What To Do?

I Went Through A Puddle And My Car Died

All the combustion engines will need oxygen because part of the air-fuel mixture runs the engine. The vehicles will suck in air through an air intake. This is usually near the front of the vehicle.  While going through a large puddle of water, the engine can suck the water into the engine using an air … Read more

Transmission Fluid To Clean Engine Sludge: Is It Okay?

Transmission Fluid To Clean Engine Sludge

If you wish for your vehicle to last and your dream of having your engine operating and running nice and smoothly, then you should do a regular check-up and maintenance. And to have the longevity of your engine, the essential thing that you can do is have that good quality engine oil. The engine oil … Read more

White Smoke On Startup Then Disappears (What To Do?)

White Smoke On Startup Then Disappears

Your vehicle’s exhaust system is the piping that functions in guiding the gasses away from the internal combustion process in your engine. It will ensure that the engine is not filled with burnt fuel or burnt vapors because these will cause overheating and excess friction.  If it will not work correctly or white smoke or … Read more

Car Blowing White Smoke From Exhaust (All You Need To Know)

Car Blowing White Smoke From Exhaust

The exhaust system components work together to make sure that the harmful gasses that the engine is producing are emitted safely from your vehicle. They ensure that the vehicle will get the best fuel mileage in protecting the environment and your health. Your exhaust system is essential to the overall operation of your vehicle.  Unfortunately, … Read more

Car Blowing White Smoke But Not Overheating (What To Do?)

Car Blowing White Smoke But Not Overheating

If your vehicle starts smoking while driving, you can get panicked and think of all the things that can be wrong with your vehicle. However, you are noticing that your engine is not overheating. Many car drivers want to know why their vehicle is billowing white smoke, but their engine is not overheating.  Many drivers … Read more

White Smoke When Accelerating Hard: Why And What To Do?

White Smoke When Accelerating Hard

If you own a vehicle, you would never want your vehicle to blow a strange and inappropriate amount of smoke. This is something that you would never want to happen. It does not matter what the color of the smoke is; the presence of smoke alone is not good.  If you are having a thick … Read more

Titanium Engine Block (All You Need To Know)

Titanium Engine Block

The engine block is also known as the cylinder block. They contain all the significant components that make up the motor’s bottom end. This is where the crankshaft spins.  The pistons will move up and down in the cylinder bore. And it is fired by the fuel combustion. There are some engine designs, and they … Read more

Magnesium Engine Block (All You Need To Know)

Magnesium Engine Block

Using magnesium, these engine blocks will also reduce weight by around seventy-five percent (75%). This is the same with cast iron or aluminum because they are more robust.  But many people do not know what an engine block is, so let us define that. The engine block is known as the cylinder block.  They contain … Read more